Noeo Science
FAQs about Noeo ScienceCurriculum Contents
Is there anything else that I have to buy?
Here are details on what's included and what's not included in a Noeo Science package.
Can I order only some and not all of the books in a package
You can exclude books for future levels, but we don't sell books individually.
Is there a separate “student notebook” that needs to be purchased?
You have options to DIY a student lab notebook or get one DFY.
Worldview & Teaching Styles
Is Noeo Science secular?
Here's how worldview control belongs to parents with Noeo Science.
Are Bible verses or other Christian references included in the curriculum?
We are science curriculum providers through and through.
How does Noeo grade/evaluate progress?
After all, there are no review questions, worksheets, tests and answer keys.
Sharing Noeo with families, co-ops, and charters
Will my charter school reimburse me for Noeo?
Some charter schools reimburse their members for curriculum purchases, but not for "religious" purchases.
Can co-ops or other group settings use Noeo Science?
Since it can be shared with family members, it can be shared with other groups of students.
Can multiple kids in different grades share one package?
Noeo Science curriculum was designed to be shared.
New to Noeo?
How long do shipments take?
These days, complete packages ship around 3-4 weeks.
Should I start with the level 1 courses?
Our levels are in line with reading levels, rather than age, grade, or previous experience.
What's the "best" subject order?
Why you can jump right in, no matter your scientific background.