Is Noeo Science secular?

Here's how worldview control belongs to parents with Noeo Science.
Written by Maggie
Updated 4 years ago

We are a Christian company that designed Noeo Science as a tool for homeschoolers, secular or Christian, to teach science to their kids. So our company policy is to leave worldview control and guidance to the parents. God blesses households where children honor their parents, which is typically easier to do when parents and children are on the same page. Many secular homeschoolers use and love our curriculum as there is no religious dogma in the living books or kits, because the books are published by secular authors and companies such as Usborne and DK.

Here's what Leanne H. shared about here experience:

"We used this several years ago through our California charter school, which required all materials to be non-sectarian, and this was an approved curriculum. We had a co-op teacher so I didn’t teach the actual content, but it was one of the best science curricula we had used."

Our instructor’s guides approach science from a Christian perspective and contain a few notes for Christians only, but our pedagogy and light schedule means you have time to teach your kids about what is important to you.

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