Will my charter school reimburse me for Noeo?

Some charter schools reimburse their members for curriculum purchases, but not for "religious" purchases.
Written by Maggie
Updated 4 years ago

We are a Christian publisher, but, if your charter school reimburses for curriculum purchases, Noeo is still reimbursable according to the Department of Education's own guidelines for the Charter Schools Program under Title V, Part B.

§D-2 describes how charter funds may be used: “However, to the extent that their [religious organization's] involvement promotes academic learning and the mission of the charter school, religious organizations and their members may partner with and be involved with charter schools so long as the charter school’s decision to partner with the religious organization is made without regard to the religious character or affiliation of the organization and is not otherwise reasonably perceived as an endorsement of religion."

More positively put, see §D-3: "Charter schools may not limit participation in the partnership to religious groups or certain religious groups, and they may not select students or encourage or discourage student participation with particular partners based on the religious or secular nature of the organization."

See the full guidelines at this link and contact us with any problems.

Other districts reimburse for some items but not others. If you need an itemized invoice, just let us know and we will try to accommodate you.

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